Monday - Friday 7am-5pm PST
255 Airport Circle Ste #103 Corona CA, 92878

The following instrucons will guide you on how to install aluminum plates to your exisng cover. Aer finishing these steps your spa cover will be ready for the installaon of your spa cover lier (figure 1).

Step # 1. - Take the EPS foam panel out of the skin and put it on an area that you can handle it with ease (figure 2)

Step # 2. - Use the provided drawing to mark the areas where you need to locate the plates. (figure 3 & 4). It is recommended that you do the marking on the side of the foam that is tapered.

Step # 3. - Take one of the plates and locate on one of the marked posions. Present it as the pictures shows (figure 5 & 6).

Step # 4 - Use tape to secure the plate to the foam. (figure 7 & 8) The tape needs to hold the plate in place while you are stuffing it into the skin.

Step # 5 - Repeat for the rest of the plates. This is how the panel should look when you finish the installaon of all of them (figure 9). Now you are ready to stuff the foam panel back into the skin and proceed with the installaon of the cover lier